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Improved comfort and function for prosthetic and orthotic users with New Technology at CEPO

Updated: Oct 18, 2021

The most important feature of an orthosis or prosthesis is obviously that it provides the desired function. If you receive a prosthetic leg that you can not walk with, what good does it do? One of the most important part of a well functioning orthosis or prosthesis is how comfortable it is to wear. Previously most devices were made of hard materials such as hard plastics or even metal which many times made the device uncomfortable to wear.

Certified Prosthetist & Orthotist and owner of Scandinavian Orthopaedic Laboratory (SOL) and CEO of Center of Excellence Prosthetics & Orthotics, CEPO, Bengt Soderberg, has with his over 35 years experience in the field always looked at ways to improve the different devices we make for our customers. His latest work has led to a new concept of mixing materials for use in both orthotics and prosthetics making the device both more comfortable and with better functionality.

The new invention uses an flexible material called EVA combined with pre-impregnated carbon fiber to make the brim of the devices flexible and thus more comfortable (Fig 1.).

Fig 1. KAFO with flexible EVA brims (white) in a pre-preg carbon fiber orthotic frame (left). Old fashion style KAFO (right).


Carbon fiber is a material that is commonly used in the air plane and sports car industry because of its superior strength and light weight. This makes it very suitable for modern prosthesis and orthosis. The addition of the flexible EVA brims now also makes the device more comfortable for the user.

The combination of materials also permits new designs of the devices. Figure 2 shows a prosthetic leg with a flexible EVA brim. This design makes bending the knee easier which makes sitting down and sports activities such as cycling more easy and comfortable.

Fig 2. Below knee prosthesis with flexible top.


At SOL and CEPO we constantly work to improve the quality and functionality of the devices we make. If you have any questions or if you would be interested to make an appointment with us, please contact us by clicking “contact us” on our websites or chat directly via our on line chat.

Bengt Soderberg

Bengt Soderberg, CPO/

Owner of SOL and CEO at CEPO

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